24/25 School Year
See link below for the updated CHSAA 2024/25 calendar:
Athletic office currently open from August 1st 2023-June 5th, 2024, will reopen 8/1/2024
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Contact us:
Athletic Policies and Regulations
Students must maintain a strong academic standing in order to participate in athletics. These athletic eligibility standards are established by the Colorado High School Activities Association in conjunction with St. Vrain 必赢娱乐 Schools.
Erie High School follows the CHSAA Eligibility Plan A for general eligibility requirements. This means that the student cannot be failing more than one class during any week of a sport season nor fail more than one class in any one semester. Students also must always pass a minimum of 2.5 credits in order to be eligible for Erie athletics.
Eligibility to participate in a FALL and WINTER sport is determined from the previous second semesters’ grades. Grade 09 students are automatically eligible to participate in the fall and winter season. Eligibility for a SPRING sport for all students is determined from first semester grades of the current school year.
Weekly grades determine academic eligibility during the sport season. An athlete must be enrolled as a full-time student (at least 3.0 Carnegie credits), passing a minimum of 2.5 credits and failing no more than one class at any time. Coaches will explain their eligibility expectations at athlete/parent meetings to be held prior to each sport season.
Eligibility (grade) reports will be run by the athletic secretary each Friday and will sent directly to the head coach and the athletic director. These reports will be effective on the Monday after the report comes out. If your child is on the ineligible report on Friday, please encourage him/her to speak to that teacher directly (instead of the athletic secretary or director).
During the season, daily attendance reports will be run and will be reported to the head coach. In order to eligible to play in games, the athlete must be marked present in at least 50 percent of his/her classes on that same day. Unless the student’s absence is caused by an extenuating circumstance (i.e. death in the family) or the student has received prior approval by the athletic director and is not in 50 percent of his/her classes that day, he/she is not allowed to play.